Boards and Elections

The Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is elected each year at our annual meeting. As terms expire, new directors are nominated and elected from the general membership for a three year term. As a provincial institution, Teachers Plus Credit Union strives to have equal representation from across Nova Scotia.


The Board of Directors has a responsibility to the law and to the members to ensure authority is exercised in a manner which serves the best interests of the organization.


In order to be eligible to serve as a Director of Teachers Plus Credit Union, the individual must be a Canadian citizen, nineteen years of age and be a member of the credit union.

Who is Eligible to become a Director?

A person who is a citizen of Canada, 19 years of age or older, an owner of the credit union and who satisfies the requirements set out in the by-laws of the credit union may be a director, unless he or she:

  • is an undischarged bankrupt person;
  • is an employee of a credit union, a trade association or the guarantee corporation;
  • is not bondable; is an auditor, or a member of the auditor's firm, of that credit union;
  • is a parent, child, spouse, brother or sister of an employee of the credit union;
  • is the solicitor of that credit union;
  • is a public employee whose official duties are concerned with the affairs of credit unions;
  • is a person who has a loan with the credit union on which principle or interest is in arrears for a period established by regulation.

For a nomination application to Board of Directors please contact us at 902-477-5664 or

Are you Eligible to Vote?

Who may vote? Every owner who is 19 years of age and in good standing is entitled to one vote.